About Us
The Dupont Circle Business Improvement District (BID) is a nonprofit formed in 2018 to elevate this iconic neighborhood with public space management, strategic marketing, and economic development initiatives.
Our Boundaries
The Dupont Circle BID covers approximately 22 blocks in the commercial district, including Dupont Circle, P Street NW, Massachusetts Avenue, and Connecticut Avenue from the Circle to California Street NW. The BID’s services are funded by a self-imposed assessment on commercial property owners within the BID’s boundaries. To download the Dupont Circle BID Boundary map, click here.

Clean Team and Landscaping
Contracted through Central Union Mission, the BID’s dedicated Clean Team enhances our public spaces through services such as daily street cleaning, snow/ice removal, leaf pick-up, power washing, rodent abatement, and graffiti mitigation. Five-team crews work from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. seven days a week, except on national and city holidays. The Mission’s Workforce and Education Development program provides long-term economic self-sufficiency through employment permanence, education, and life skills training.
In 2023, the BID hired its first dedicated landscaper to weed tree boxes, medians, and five parks around the neighborhood. In time, the BID aims to expand this program as we continue to beautify Dupont Circle.
- 1,400 pounds of trash removed daily
- 30 graffiti tags and stickers removed on average each month
- 200+ tree boxes weeded
- 1500 flowers planted
- Five parks maintained
- 22 blocks swept seven days a week
Safety Ambassadors & Public Safety
Eric Brocksmith is the BID’s full-time safety ambassador. Mr. Brocksmith works 3:00-11:00 p.m. each Tuesday through Saturday. The role of the BID’s safety ambassador is to engage with community stakeholders such as retail, restaurant, and service businesses as well as visitors and residents. Safety ambassador foot patrols provide a visible presence across Dupont Circle during periods of heavy pedestrian traffic, encouraging a safer community.
The BID continues to partner with MPD Second District leadership, Dupont Circle stakeholders, and civic leadership to share information, access resources, and advocate for a safer community. In FY23, the BID relaunched its Public Safety Committee. Comprised of commercial building property owners and tenants, the committee meets every other month, usually at Mission at 2:00 p.m. to facilitate conversations regarding public safety with MPD, building public trust, and identifying resources for local businesses.
To hear about public safety tips, visit YouTube: https://youtu.be/4ummg5_Jdy0
To learn about safety tips at the ATM, visit YouTube: https://youtu.be/YV8o5FOjecg
Homeless Outreach & Community Impact
In an effort to reduce homelessness in the community, the Dupont Circle BID has partnered with the h3 Project since 2021. The h3 Project is a 501(c)(3) crisis intervention group and homeless service provider that assists our unhoused residents, reconnecting them to the world and providing them with wrap-around services, including assisting individuals with acquiring birth certificates, identification documents, employment assistance, healthcare benefits, temporary and permanent housing, reunification with families, and personal hygiene supplies. The h3 Project team members are boots on the ground six days a week and are often seen engaging with the unhoused in Dupont Circle.
Infrastructure & Placemaking
The District Department of Transportation will be investing $30 million in a new, multi-modal streetscape project along Connecticut Avenue from Dupont Circle Park to California Street, NW. DDOT will deck over the Connecticut Avenue underpass to create the Dupont Plaza, a multi-use public space between Dupont Circle and Q Street, NW. The Plaza will provide a flexible public space for everyday enjoyment as well as special events, such as markets, festivals, and other cultural events. The Streetscape project will address the sidewalks and roads from the building line to building line along the Connecticut Avenue corridor. The project will beautify the corridor with new streetlights, sidewalks, tree boxes, bike lanes, and new sustainable stormwater management features. This project will be transformative for the community, creating an inviting environment for local businesses and facilitating new economic opportunities, as well as improving the quality of life for residents and visitors.
In preparation for the development of the Dupont Plaza and Streetscape project, the Dupont Circle BID made several advances in FY2023 including:
- Hired Gehl Studio, a networked urban design and research consultancy, to develop a programming framework for the Dupont Plaza.
- Facilitated a Design Charrette to solicit community input on public art and hardscaping in the new public space.
- Advocated for city funding to support retail businesses during the construction phase.
Dupont Circle Fountain
After being offline to repair the motor and basin, and receiving a thorough cleaning, the Dupont Circle Fountain was activated again in the early fall. Images of the working fountain were shared across the internet by excited community members. After sustained freezing temperatures hit the region, the fountain was winterized and deactivated until spring of 2024. We look forward to welcoming back the ducks that nest in Dupont Circle every spring!
Adirondack Chairs
In FY23, the BID purchased white Adirondack chairs through funding provided by the DC Office of Planning Streets for People Grant. Fifty white moveable chairs were placed in the two-acre Dupont Circle park. The public response has been overwhelmingly positive. Strolling through the park, it’s common to observe community members chatting in pairs, soaking up the sun, or seeking refuge from the heat throughout the seasons.
As an important component of the BID’s beautification efforts, the BID Clean Team planted seasonal flowers in the neighborhood’s signature blue planters during the spring and fall seasons. The BID hopes to expand the landscaping program as we rehab McClellan Park and other green spaces across Dupont Circle.
McClellan Park
Our park to the north, McClellan Park, was weeded thoroughly, and the National Park Service is replanting this triangle park in 2024. This tiny green space holds one of the most spectacular monuments to Civil War General George McClellan, dedicated in 1907. The equestrian statue has an amazing view down towards the White House. In time, this park will become a polished emerald that it once was.
Holiday Décor
In FY23, the BID was able to purchase new holiday decor with funding provided by the Streets for People Grant. Connecticut Avenue, P Street, and Dupont Circle Park streetlights were wrapped with green garlands and red bows for the holiday season, bringing the holiday spirit to the Dupont retail corridor. Some 70 poles were wrapped with garlands, and each year, we add a little more.
Events and Activations
In June 2023, the BID was awarded $118,200 from the Streets for People Grant program managed by the DC Office of Planning. It was the second year in a row the BID received funding from the program which provides funding for creative and innovative public space activations in DC’s business corridors. The funding allowed the BID to supplement its programming budget and to continue curating dynamic and inclusive community events.
Music in the Circle
Once again, the BID brought live music to Dupont Circle. Ranging from small to large scale events, the free concerts featured a DJ to warm-up the crowd before the annual Pride Parade, the Foggy Bottom Whomp-Stompers band accompanied by swing dance instructors, a disco cover band called the Moonlighters, the German band Lost Lederhosen to celebrate Oktoberfest, and roving Dickinsonian-dressed Christmas carolers. The highlight of the year was the Fall Fest Blue Grass Jamboree which featured four bands and brought a diverse crowd of concert goers to listen to music, paint pumpkins, and enjoy free bags of kettle corn, hot apple cider, and local apples.
ArtWalk Dupont
First Friday’s ArtWalk continues to attract a diverse crowd of art fans from around the region. The monthly event takes place on the first Friday of each month and includes the participation of ten to 15 art galleries, museums, embassies, nonprofits, and commercial businesses. Adding to the lively atmosphere, the BID sponsored music performances, live action painting, and theatric performances throughout the year in Q Street Park and on the patio of The Pembroke at The Dupont Circle Hotel.
Friday Flow Yoga
The BID continued its partnership with Dupont studio Yoga District to bring free yoga to Q Street Park, a small National Park at the corners of Q Street, Connecticut Avenue, and 20th Street. This weekly program occurs every Friday from March through November from 7-7:50 a.m., attracting as many as 20 diehard yoga fans each week. Yogis of all experience levels are welcome to participate. In lieu of a class fee, participants are asked to donate to Yoga District’s nonprofit Yoga Activist, keeping the classes accessible to all.
Marketing and Communications
Promoting the Dupont Circle BID brand continued to make headlines in FY23, with media reporting positively on restaurant openings, activations, ArtWalk Dupont, and BID-sponsored events. The primary goal of the BID’s marketing strategy is to highlight local attractions, businesses, public spaces, events, initiatives, and to promote the neighborhood as both a local and international destination. The BID gained followers across all its social media channels, and the dedicated work of the BID and individual BID businesses was central to its content.