National League of American Pen Women
Categories Education Non-Profit Art Galleries Music & Entertainment Private Social Clubs Museum
1300 17th Street NW View on Google Maps
Washington, DC 20009
Our members are journalists, painters, choreographers, sculptors, illustrators, songwriters, poets — just to mention a few of the creative fields we encompass. Throughout our history of 120-plus years, active NLAPW members such as Vinnie Ream, Eudora Welty, Pearl Buck, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amy Beach, and Carrie Jacobs Bond have illustrated how deep, strong, and meaningful the contribution of women’s voices, minds and hands are to the arts.
Today, the NLAPW has 81 branches in 35 states and many members-at-large. There are over 1,600 professional women artists, writers, composers, and choreographer members of the League, some in large cities such as New York, Atlanta, the San Francisco Bay area, and Honolulu; and others in rural areas, such as Vermont, the Dakotas, and Hawaii. From Mississippi Delta public schools to Boca Raton women’s correctional facilities, from Hawaii’s Girls Court to after-school centers in Washington, D.C., Pen Women have experienced first-hand the personal enrichment that comes from arts engagement.